Preliminary Program

August 16, 2025 – Saturday

  • Tour of Combú Island (All Day)

August 17, 2025 – Sunday

  • Geotourism Route: Historic Center and Ver-o-Peso Market (Morning)
  • Official Opening of the Event – Museum of Sacred Art (Evening)
    • Location: Praça Frei Brandão, s/n – Cidade Velha (Feliz Lusitânia Complex)

August 18–20, 2025

  • Activities at Cidade Universitária José da Silveira Neto – UFPA
    • Location: Federal University of Pará (UFPA), Guamá District

Organizing Institutions

  • Federal University of Pará (UFPA)
  • University of São Paulo (USP)
  • Federal University of the South and Southeast of Pará (Unifesspa)
  • International Geographical Union Tourism Commission (IGU-TC)
  • International Research Network “Tourism and Contemporary Socio-Territorial Dynamics”


The conference aims to foster reflection on the “Challenges and commitments of tourism in the contemporary world,” with an emphasis on the Amazon and issues related to this biome. To this end, it is intended to be delivered by geographer Ane Auxiliadora Alencar. Her main research focus has been to understand the impacts of climate change and forest fragmentation caused by deforestation on the occurrence and increase of wildfires in the Brazilian Amazon. Additionally, she has coordinated IPAM’s initiatives in developing systems for monitoring forest carbon stock and loss, as well as deforestation monitoring to support the development of REDD projects.


🎤 Invited Speaker: Collin Michael Hall (University of Canterbury, New Zealand) (To Be Confirmed)


  • Round Table 1 – Climate Emergencies and Tourism
  • Round Table 2 – Tourism and Socio-Territorial Dynamics in the Pan-Amazon Region
  • Round Table 3 – Space, Public Policies, and Tourism
  • Round Table 4 – Urban Dynamics and Tourism in the 21st Century
  • Round Table 5 – Culture, Tourism, and Territory
  • Round Table 6 – Community-Based Tourism and Other Possibilities


Session 1: Climate Emergencies and Tourism

Tourism, both as a social practice and an economic activity, has historically been promoted by international organizations and governments due to its potential to boost local and regional economies and generate employment. However, tourism’s environmental impacts are increasingly evident across natural, rural, and urban areas worldwide. Aligning tourism practices with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the 2030 Agenda remains a challenge. Additionally, climate emergencies are altering landscapes and severely affecting tourism activities. Agreements such as those proposed by the UN within the COP framework—including COP30, to be held in Belém, Brazil, in November 2025—struggle to meet their objectives regarding pollution reduction and sustainable consumption.

Session 2: Tourism and Socio-Territorial Dynamics in the Pan-Amazon Region

The Pan-Amazon region spans approximately 8.5 million km², covering territories in Colombia, Peru, Venezuela, Ecuador, Bolivia, Guyana, Suriname, and Brazil. This region is home to the world’s largest tropical rainforest and includes diverse populations, such as Indigenous groups, Quilombolas, and riverine communities. Protecting the Amazon rainforest is critical in combating global warming, yet its biodiversity and cultural richness remain largely unexplored. This session aims to:

  • Discuss tourism in the Pan-Amazon region and its challenges;
  • Analyze the regional and local particularities of tourism in the area;
  • Contribute to the development of public policies for the tourism sector.

Session 3: Space, Public Policies, and Tourism

Despite the rise of neoliberalism as an economic and political paradigm, the State remains a key player in the contemporary world. However, the relationship between the State, politics, and tourism remains underexplored. This session will analyze how neoliberal policies influence tourism governance, the role of public policies in tourism, and the State’s evolving role amid global economic transformations.

Session 4: Urban Dynamics and Tourism in the 21st Century

Currently, 55% of the world’s population resides in urban areas, with some regions reaching 100% urbanization. Tourism maintains a dialectical relationship with urban spaces, shaping and being shaped by them. This session will explore:

  • The intersections between urbanization and tourism;
  • Case studies of urban tourism;
  • The impacts of tourism platforms (e.g., Airbnb, Uberization) on city dynamics.

Session 5: Culture, Tourism, and Territory

Cultural and territorial processes are often mobilized to expand tourism activities. The relationship between culture, tourism, leisure, and entertainment has become a crucial factor in shaping tourism behaviors, especially through heritage valorization. This session will:

  • Promote a critical debate on the territorialization of culture and tourism;
  • Analyze global cultural tourism trends;
  • Discuss heritage preservation and sustainable tourism.

Session 6: Community-Based Tourism and Alternative Models

Community-Based Tourism (CBT) is an emerging global trend challenging mass tourism. This session will:

  • Define CBT principles at national and international levels;
  • Examine successful CBT policies and experiences in Brazil, the Pan-Amazon region, and beyond;
  • Discuss the role of local communities in tourism governance and economic solidarity models.

Session 7: Contradictions in the Tourism Labor Market

In recent decades, the global labor market has undergone profound transformations. In the tourism industry, precarization, outsourcing, and technological advancements have reshaped working conditions. This session will explore:

  • Labor regulations in tourism;
  • The impact of technology on tourism jobs;
  • The changing relationship between tourism workers and tourists.


🌿 Amazonian Experiences & Immersions

To provide participants with immersive experiences in the Amazon, several alternative activities will be available:

📅 August 21, 2025 – Elective Activities

  • Route of the Historic Mansions – FUMBEL
  • Utinga Park (Structured Trails)
  • Gueto Hub and COP Lowland Experience
  • Icoaraci/Paracuri Market
  • COP30 Construction Sites in Belém
  • Walking Tour of Central Belém (Examining COP-related Contradictions and Community Impacts)

Organizing Committee – Elective Activities

  • Prof. Dr. Álvaro Negrão do Espírito Santo
  • Prof. Dr. Silvio José de Lima Figueiredo
  • Profa. Dra. Olga Lúcia Castreghini de Freitas
  • Profa. Dra. Maria Augusta Freitas Costa Canal